ADIP(Assistance to Disabled Persons)


The ADIP scheme was introduced in the year 1981 for the Persons with Disabilities and implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India. It came into sharp focus, particularly after the enactment of Persons with Disabilities Act (Equal opportunity and protection of rights and full participation act) 1995. In the light of the Government's commitment for enabling and empowering disabled persons.

It has been the constant endeavour of the Government to provide the disabled persons with aids/appliance, at minimum costs, which are essential for their social, economic and vocational rehabilitation. The 1981 Scheme was revised & made applicable with effective from 1st April 2014.

Eligibility of Beneficiaries

1. An Indian citizen of any age.

2. Holds a 40% Disablement Certificate.

3. Has monthly income from all sources not exceeding Rs. 20,000/ per month.

4. In case of dependents, the income of parents/guardians should not exceed Rs. 20,000/ per month.

5. Who have not received assistance during the last 3 years for the same purpose from any source. 
    However, for children below 12 years of age, this limit would be one year.

6. Documents required (Originals of all enlisted document to be shown for verification)

    Two copies of photograph (showing disability)

    Photocopies of residential proof, contact and telephone number

    Photocopy of Disability Certificate

    Income Certificate form Competent Authority 
    (MP/MLA/DM/ADM/SDO/BDO/Counsellor/Gram Pradhan/ Employer/ MGNREGA card/BPL card/Disability Pension Card)

Quantum of Assistance

For aids and appliances costing up to Rs. 10,000/-

Aids/appliances which do not cost more than Rs. 10,000/- are covered under the Scheme for single disability. However, in the case of student with disabilities, students beyond IX class, the limit would be raised to Rs.12, 000/. In the case of multiple disabilities, the limit will apply to individual items separately in case more than one aid/appliance is required.

For providing modern assistive devices for all categories of PwDs The extent of financial support would be limited to Rs. 10,000 for each disability and Rs. 12,000 for students with disabilities in respect of devices costing up to Rs. 20,000.

Other details please download details of the scheme in PDF file in above left side link.

Amount of Assistance

Total Income Amount of Assistance

(i) Upto Rs. 15,000/- per month 
(ii) Rs. 15,001/- to Rs. 20,000/- per month

(i) Full cost of aid/appliance 
(ii) 50% of the cost of aid/appliance